all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

dimanche, août 15, 2004

less than a quarter of a baguette and 3 slices of plain bread. that lasted me till about 1830. and that was because i had a flight today. couldn't sit through the computer briefing, and didn't finish it in the end. just knew i was gonna flunk the sortie. went to the ops room and realised that it was teo a.h. taking me today-- m.singh wasn't around. anyway, there were two other 129 pple doing the fourth wave with me.. im the most screwed up i gues.

anyway. mdm teeo was really nice. motherly.. but a little naggy. but.. hahaha she gave me 5 for everything except .. taxying. goodness, i almost taxied the plane off the road after landing and she toldme to brake, i jammed on the damn brakes it was so sudden i stopped the plane. so ends up i got a 4 for that. other than that, she said i was really good with the plane in the air. though initially i screwed up i totally blanked out-- increased power (supposed to pitch down yaw right) instead i eased the control column backward and jammed on the left rudder pedal... and guess what happened. well.

those funny pple yq, chris, wiz, sam, they waited for me.. ha ha.. to go eat prata. a little on the high side after the whole thing cos i spent the previous evening really tensed up... the bus uncle didn't start the van yet, and we figured since we'd have had to wait another 15mins, might as well walk out and make him feel guilty. so we did.. then one of the kind sirs was driving his cefiro out and gave all 5 of us a ride out. needless to say, prata was... sheer bliss :)

also collected my new ic today.. yikes i don't like it. i wish i had my old one back. the pic has been moved up and there's an extra security feature below it... of my. face. and i couldn't remove a certain name of mine. there isn't any bloodtype anymore either. so now u know. if i get knocked down on the road and am left bleeding there, nobody would know my bloodtype = no immediate transfusions. so. everybody, my bloodtype's A+!! please get that down on paper somewhere!


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.